Business trajectories

SATAVIA’s range of products solves different problems for different customers.

OEMs / MROs / Airlines
(Both military and civilian)

Common problems:

They want to out-perform competitors on engine, airframe and system reliability (predictive maintenance and future design), value for money (fuel efficiency and spares consumption) and environmental protection (carbon audit / credentials / offsets).

Our solutions:

SATAVIA delivers improved predictive maintenance, contributes to future aircraft design, increases fuel efficiency through engine wash and provides environmental management capabilities. Importantly, we are independent and auditable.


Lessors / Insurers / Financiers

Common problems:

They want to gain a competitive advantage by understanding the value of an engine, aircraft, or system. This involves developing a detailed knowledge of an aircraft’s (or fleet’s) state of corrosion, level of maintenance over time etc. This allows Lessors / Insurers / Financiers to more accurately calculate risk, which effects the need for cash reserves in their business and charging structures for clients.

Our solutions:

SATAVIA delivers uniquely detailed, auditable and independent historical (and predictive) business intelligence covering the corrosion of engines, aircraft and systems, plus locational data that provides insights on maintenance standards.


Case study – Major Middle Eastern airline

Through applying SATAVIA’s engine wash product, improved predictive maintenance and carbon offset audit capabilities the following savings can be achieved over one year.

Figure 1. Business case: Middle Eastern Airline Study.

Similar savings would be applicable to other airlines, or Military Fleets.