
SATAVIA is reducing the climate impact of flying by mitigating the warming effect of aircraft-created condensation trails (contrails).

What we do

SATAVIA’s vision is to make aviation smarter, implementing contrail management with leading operators like Etihad to cut per-flight climate impact.


Our industry-leading platform DECISIONX:NETZERO optimises flight plans for contrail prevention, quantifies achieved climate benefit, and converts mitigation into tradable carbon equivalent outcome units in a future global market.


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Contrail prevention flight planning incorporating contrail likelihood forecasts, founded on world-leading atmosphere and climate science

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Validation of contrail prevention and achieved climate benefit, drawing on best-in-class atmospheric modelling and observational data

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Conversion of achieved climate benefit into future carbon equivalent units, validated for trading on voluntary carbon exchange platforms

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Tackling aviation’s non-CO2 impact with eco-conscious operators

SATAVIA is working with Etihad to integrate contrail management into day-to-day commercial aviation, tackling aviation’s significant non-CO2 climate impact. Etihad and SATAVIA are jointly implementing the world’s first multi-year contrail management production contract, blazing a trail towards climate-neutral operations and enabling collaboration on the generation of future carbon credits. In 2022 and 2023, SATAVIA collaborated with KLM and KLM Cityhopper on the SkyTeam Sustainable Flight Challenge, winning Best Partnership Award and laying the basis for new engagements. In 2023, SATAVIA also worked with 12 operators to carry out contrail management trials with the support of the European Space Agency/UK Space Agency.

Gold Standard approves SATAVIA concept to deliver credits for contrail management activity

Leading voluntary carbon programme Gold Standard has approved SATAVIA’s methodology concept, paving the way to smarter, greener aviation. Following project design certification, SATAVIA will issue tradable Certified Mitigation Outcome Units (CMOUs), creating incentives for operators doing contrail management and stimulating climate action against aviation’s non-CO2 effects.


Industry-leading DeepTech with powerful sustainability applications.

SATAVIA’s industry-leading tech platform, DECISIONX, integrates numerical weather prediction modelling, Earth Observation data, and global asset-tracking to provide high-resolution and easily accessible atmospheric data. Developed in conjunction with UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and the European Space Agency (ESA), DECISIONX generates unique insight into localised conditions anywhere, anytime, and from surface to space.

Strong and growing presence across multiple eco-systems.

SATAVIA partners with leading stakeholders across tech, scientific, and commercial sectors, including AWS, Microsoft, and the University of Cambridge’s Aviation Impact Accelerator.

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SATAVIA makes aviation greener by providing actionable insight to key stakeholders across the industry. Our contrail management platform, DECISIONX:NETZERO, enables eco-conscious operators to cut aviation’s climate impact by up to 35% (or >1% of all anthropogenic climate impact).

SATAVIA’s DECISIONX:NETZERO platform has been awarded the Solar Impulse Foundation’s “Efficient Solution Label”, a sign of our commitment to developing clean and efficient solutions to reduce aviation’s climate footprint. Among numerous other climate-related accolades, SATAVIA has also won the Air Transport World Eco-Technology Award with Etihad and the UK Government’s Green Builders of Tomorrow scheme.

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In the media

30th January, 2024

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Slight flight altitude changes could slash aviation’s climate impact.

Contrail clouds that form behind planes are responsible for much of the climate warming effects of flying. Small altitude adjustments would help minimise them.

18th December, 2023

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With few easy solutions to their climate problem, airlines rethink contrails.

As millions of Americans prepare to fly home for the holidays, their biggest planet-warming impact may not come from the carbon burned in their planes’ engines but the thin, wispy clouds that trail behind their flights.

8th November, 2023

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Voluntary action on airline non-CO2 impact takes shape as EU obligations loom.

The first forward purchase agreement has been signed for carbon credits for avoiding the creation of contrails, a form of non-CO2 pollution created by airlines.